
Possibly, if we say that Switzerland is the world's bank, we can't be wrong, at least not to much if we count on the other "pirates paradises" as Cayman Islands, Bahamas, Maldives, etc. Many people, and not all "clean" have their money there, that's the main reason why Switzerland is almost invulnerable to economic crisis and things like this, that everyone on the world are suffering right now. Apart from banks, Switzerland is famous because its clocks and its chocolate, which are all 2 ones of the bests in the world. Special mention have the archi famous Swiss Army Knife, everyone knows what kind of polivalent tool is this.

Swiss national team is, historicaly, a medium level team in UEFA, but those recent days they have make a quality improvement, majorly because of the great number of new incomers in Swiss society, majorly from Portugal, Italy, Spain and other parts of the Balcans. That has made of the Swiss team a very diverse one, that's why actually they are the 6th classified on FIFA ranking, and has become a decent team in the world panorama.

This shirt came to me at the same time with Bulgaria's one, all 2 as a present. This is a prototype too, as you can see in the pic were it says "Sample". Not many differences has with the final design, just the flag, which is not in this wide version you see here, the FA logo that it was in white and not in red, and.. that's all. A beautiful shirt, with the name and number of the further SS Lazio player, Stephan Lichtsteiner, who is now on Juventus.

As you can see, it's almost the same shirt, just 2 little details.

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